Sunday, July 18, 2010

Teleological Demo

In his book 'Nine Chains to the Moon' Buckminster Fuller explains the text as abstract and intuitive thoughts, they are intentionally ambiguous and perplexing, and have a mystical nature which is deployed intentionally to expose the reader to holes and incongruency. This is meant to be self-reflexive, making the reader question the infinite , anti-heirachal nature of thinking. I reckon you could go as far to say it is Oral in its tradition, invoking the pre-literacy of Homeric poets, who passed down the lyrical substance and interpreted the epic as they heard. I guess in a way Bucky interpreted what he heard of American Modernity through the wireless radio-waves , the dusty books on architecture at Harvard ( where he was expelled from twice ) and actively decided to envision a new world order, in reaction to the dotty logic of the American way of life. Thinking outside the dark corridors of convention, and searching for a cosmic intelligence, using the 'mind through the mind', as he says, allowed his thoughts to be generated and realized in Utopian architectural feats such as the Geodesic Dome and the Dymaxiom.

The concept of teleology developed in 'NCTTM' by Bucky is a wonderful Hybrid of theory and fact , combining the symbol for symmetrical expansion with 'X' with the equation mark '=', considered infertile for the fact that its parallel lines never intersect, remaining pure theory. By combining these two lines Bucky created a bow tie, inventing a logical successor that symbolizes a factual equation |><|

The principle is best understood as:

The subjective to objective process, intermittent, only-spontaneous, borderline-conscious and within self communicating system that distills equitable principles - from our pluralities of matching experiences and re-integrates selections from those net generalized principles into unique experimental control patterns.

The factuality of the Bow Tie is good because it can help explain the instrument building in Dylan's latest project Musique Povera.

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